October 5, 2023
Variety Gotham Week Expo Day Pass: October 5th, Career Advancement Day
Registration For This Event Has Ended

Join us on October 5th for Career Advancement Day at the Variety Gotham Week Expo!


The 2023 Variety Gotham Week Expo brings together partners from The Gotham’s Expanding Communities initiative to provide community and thought leadership on topics pertinent to the advancement of film and media creators.

The goal of the Expo is to bring together organizations, creators, collectives and film and media storytellers to discuss challenges and provide solutions on how to approach advocacy and career advancement.

This free Day Pass is for our October 5th Career Advancement sessions. To attend our Advocacy Sessions, RSVP for an October 4th Day Pass here.

The Career Advancement sessions offer education and support for film and media creators to launch and advance careers on nontraditional paths while providing brand development tools.


Check In • 9:30am - 5:30pm ​
Check-in will take place in the lobby of the Time Out Market, located at 55 Water Street.

Filmmaking for Brands: How Can Branded Content Opportunities Supercharge My Career? • 10:00 am • Session 1
with MoFilm and 19th and Park
A conversation with Lee Margolis of MoFilm and Writer/Director Jenn Shaw, moderated by Tahira White of 19th and Park.

In the past, working in branded content as a filmmaker has been taboo. However, how can being immersed in the branded content industry support your career, grow your skill set and give you boundless opportunities to explore your creative endeavors?

Join The Expo for a conversation with filmmaker Jenn Shaw, content creator Karston Tannis as well as branded content industry executives Tahira White of 19th and Park and Lee Margolis of Mofilm who will share how the worlds of traditional filmmaking and branded content collide to advance your career. This conversation will be moderated by Mofilm CEO Michelle Vincent.

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How to Navigate Artificial Intelligence in Film • 11:00 am • Session 2
with Black Film Space
Learn more about the ways artificial intelligence will impact your career in film, television and content creation!

Artificial Intelligence is a new form of technology that has impacted various industries for several years, and film is no exception. At this year’s Gotham Expo, Black Film Space will address the trending discussions around AI by hosting a discussion with various professionals that work with the intersection of film and technology. The panel participants will share their thoughts on how artists can retain agency, autonomy, and technical skill in our ever-changing industry so that they can navigate AI successfully.

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Building a Truly Collaborative Team • 12:00pm • Session 3
with Filmshop
Learn how to build a truly collaborative team for your film in this interactive workshop with members of the Filmshop community!

Learn effective approaches to identify kindred creatives, bring out the best in any artistic collaboration, and establish an enduring network of support. Explore insights and challenges in finding producing partners and other key collaborators for your film. Take away practical tips to foster successful collaborations, overcome creative obstacles, and cultivate a vibrant and supportive filmmaking community that continues to fuel your creative aspirations.

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Lunch Break & Film Festival Alliance Listening Session • 1:00pm • Session 4

The Age of the Influencers: Youth Pathways in Storytelling, Creativity, and Artistry • 2:00pm • Session 5
with Brown Girls Doc Mafia
Learn how to build a truly collaborative team for your film in this interactive workshop with members of the Filmshop community!

In a growing age of digital familiarity and expertise, youth are producing more creative content that is accessible for the masses than ever before. Whether through TikTok, IG, or Snapchat, young people are constantly stretching their imaginations and creating stories for those in their communities and beyond. Black and Brown youth in particular have been at the heart of cultural conversation and trends. However, there is still a large gap between BIPOC social media content creators and emerging filmmakers. What limits the trajectory from one space to the other? How do we as organizations provide resources so that there is growth in their artistic journeys? What conversations are emerging for youth in regards to their role, responsibility, identity and point of view as an artist? This panel will discuss these provocations and the inflection points that allow accessible opportunities to close this gap from social media content creator to sustainable professional filmmaker.

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Developing Your Brand: The Value of Film Festivals • 3:00pm • Session 6
with Film Festival Alliance
Developing your brand is critical to your filmmaking career; film festivals are an ideal place to do this. From establishing your identity to building relationships, film festivals offer many opportunities to expand awareness of you as a filmmaker, and many ways for you to strengthen your artistic work. Hear from festival programmers and consultants on how to build relationships with programmers, leverage education & conference programming, and network with the filmmaking community, even when the festival hasn't programmed your work.

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Amplifying Your Independent Film: Marketing Techniques for Targeted Audience Engagement • 4:00pm • Session 7
with Minorities in Film
Gain valuable insights and practical strategies for effectively marketing your film projects from marketing professionals!

This one-hour session is designed to provide independent filmmakers with valuable insights and practical strategies for effectively marketing their film projects. By leveraging advertising techniques and digital platforms, filmmakers can reach their target audience and increase engagement, ultimately maximizing the impact of their films in a competitive market.

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Happy Hour • 5:00pm • Session 8

Presented With

Date & Time

Thursday, October 5, 2023
9:30 AM - 7:00 PM EDT

RSVP DEADLINE: October 4, 2023 @ 5:00 PM


Soho Works 55 Water
55 Water Street
Brooklyn New York 11201


Learn More about Expo Accessibility.

RSVP Instructions


Questions about the event? Contact Claire Hackett, Expo Coordinator ([email protected]).